Archive for category Sage 50 / Peachtree Tips

Customer Ship-To Addresses in Sage 50/Peachtree

Setting up multiple ship-to addresses for customers in Sage 50 (formerly Peachtree) is simple once you understand how to ship-to addresses relate to contacts.

Creating a 12 Period Balance Sheet

Sage 50 comes standard with an income statement that has 12 monthly columns. But recently I had a request for a 12 month balance sheet. When building this report I realized what a great example it is of how Sage 50’s financial statement designer is powerful, flexible, and easy to use. At first this report […]

Sage 50 2022 New Features

Version 2022 of Sage 50/Sage 50cloud releases July 21, 2021. It should show up in your updates soon as they gradually roll it out to users. The list of improvements is short, but they will be significant to some users. State Paid Family and Medical Leave enhancementsNew payroll functionality has been added to accommodate the […]

Creating a 12 Period Income Statement in Sage 50 for Prior Years

One of Sage 50’s built in financial statement formats, “<Standard> Income – 12 Period”, gives you an income statement for the current fiscal year split out into monthly columns. People are often surprised to find that it doesn’t let you choose a date range so you can’t use it to report on prior years. But […]


When typing in the description field of a Peachtree invoice, the enter key moves you to the next field. Read this tip to find out how to start a new line of text within the same description field.

Customer Prepayments in Sage 50

Do you require down payments or prepayments from your customers? I’m often asked how to record prepayments since there is no invoice that the payment can be applied against. Today I’m going to go over two ways to a deal with this and some of the pros and cons of each method. OPTION 1: Use […]

Pay Fields Missing From Payroll Entry Screen

I’ve had several calls recently from people trying to do payroll, but for some employees there are no pay fields showing in Payroll Entry. As a result there’s nowhere to enter the employee’s pay. The solution is simple, but far from obvious so I thought it would be a good topic to cover here. In […]

Printing the New 1099-NEC in Sage 50

You’ve probably heard by now that non-employee compensation now must be reported on form 1099-NEC, instead of the 1099-MISC. The 1099-MISC still exists for other types of payments (rents, royalties, attorney fees, etc.) but non-employee compensation, (payments to contractors) now have their own form. How does this affect Sage 50 users? It depends on how […]

Sage 50 2021.1 New Features

The first update to Sage 50 2021 released a few weeks ago. Many people were glad to get it because it fixed the problem that plagued some users with a lagging or freezing mouse pointer. But it also brought a couple of important new payroll features. Unlimited Pay Types – Previously you were limited to […]


Whether you are negotiating prices or making a Christmas gift list, it is important to know who your top customers are. With Peachtree, this information is always just a few clicks away.