The job costing features in Peachtree haven’t received any significant changes in quite a while.  But that has changed with version 2011.  And one of the biggest changes is that Peachtree Premium and Peachtree Quantum now support change orders.

In the Maintain Menu, under Jobs, you will now find Change Orders.  After completing the usual header fields like job ID, and change order date, you can enter a note of up to 2000 characters.  If the change will affect the projected ending date, you can record the new ending date too. 

In the next section you can enter a Change Description, Change To Estimated Expenses, and Change To Estimated Revenues.  If the job uses phases and cost codes, you can enter multiple changes, each broken down by phase and cost codes, and you can enter a Change To Estimated Units.

The third section of the Change Order window let’s you track when and by whom the change order was approved.  Once it has been approved, there is an “Update Job Estimates” button that will automatically adjust the job’s estimated units, expenses, and revenues by the amounts on the change order.

Change orders can be printed or emailed as PDF attachments.  The change order form is fully customizable, just like other forms in Peachtree.  In addition to the information entered in the change order window, the standard format shows the original contract amount (estimated revenue), net changes from previous change orders, net increase or decrease from this change order, and the new contract amount including this change order.  It also shows the new projected end date if it changed.