There is a new Contacts tab in the Customer Maintenance window. It allows you to track an unlimited number of contacts for each customer. For each contact you can track their name, company name (could also be used for store#, dept, etc.), Job title, 2 phone numbers, fax, e-mail address, gender, and notes. Each contact can also be associated with either the bill-to address or one of the ship-to addresses. And to answer the question that I know you want to ask, no, this does not mean you have unlimited ship to addresses. Ship to addresses are unchanged from previous versions.
There is a check box that allows you to designate a contact as the default ship-to contact for that customer. And for each contact you can choose between showing the contact’s name or the company name in the shipping address.
One source of confusion related to this new feature is that a ship-to address has to be associated with a contact before it can be used on an invoice or sales order. Peachtree automatically created contacts for any ship-to’s that existed when you upgraded to 2010. The easiest way to make sure new addresses have a contact is to start at the Contact tab instead of the Addresses tab. After filling out the name and phone number fields, click the New Address button. A small window will pop up for you to enter the new address. The new address will show up both on this contact and on the addresses tab.