Do you ever get tired of removing or fixing a cell’s borders after you copy something in Excel? It’s really frustrating to discover that your last minute copy placed some random cell borders in your otherwise neatly formatted spreadsheet, or that the cells you pasted into the middle of a table have no borders even though everything around them does.

Good news! Excel gives you the option of not pasting the borders from the cell you just copied. Instead of doing a normal paste, right-click where you want to paste the cells and go to Paste Special (don’t click on Paste Special, just let it open the submenu), or if you prefer to use the ribbon, click the down-arrow under the Paste. Either way, find and click the No Borders button. It looks like this:

If the area you pasted into has no borders, the newly pasted cells will also have no borders. If you pasted into an area that is already formatted with borders, the newly pasted cells will retain the existing borders.