The ability to pull time tickets, expense tickets, and reimbursable expenses into your billing is nothing new for Peachtree.  But until now, you had to enter one invoice at a time.  Now you can select billable time and expenses in a batch to be converted to invoices all at once.

Assuming you have already entered your time/expense tickets or reimbursable expenses, go to the Tasks menu and choose Invoice Time and Expenses.  The Filter Selection window will open.  Here you can choose a cutoff date (items dated on or before will be included), and filter by customer or job.  These filters work just like they do in reports.  Next, select any combination of Time Tickets, Expense Tickets, and Reimbursable Expenses.  For tickets, you can also choose between using the description of the item being billed, or the “Invoice Description” entered on the ticket.

When you click OK, the Create Invoices for Time and Expenses window will open.  You will be given a list of customers, each with a total of the tickets to be invoiced (not including tax).  You can check All or None, or select/unselect customers individually.  It is important to note that you cannot include or exclude individual tickets here.  So any tickets that are within your date range that are not ready to be invoiced need to be placed on hold before starting this process.  Since there is no way to put reimbursable expenses on hold, you cannot use this process if you need to exclude individual reimbursable expenses.

Once you have made your selections, set the invoice date at the top of window and then click the Create button.  You will be given the chance to print the invoices, or click close if you want to review or edit them first.  If you choose Close, you can view and edit the invoices in the Sales/Invoicing window the same as with any other invoice.